Local Events
Fete de La Bretagne
15th – 24th May. Discover a colourful and dynamic Brittany. From fest-noz, hip-hop, electro music, bagadoù, to sea outings and gastronomy, the Fête de La Bretagne highlights Breton culture, its artists and the beauty of the region.
Europoussins – Pleudihen sur Rance
6th – 7th June. Pleudihen hosts the highly successful Europoussin, an under 10 football tournament attracting teams from all over Europe. Largest U10 event in Europe.
Etonnants Voyageurs – Saint Malo
30 May – 1st June. Highly acclaimed international film and book festival. St Malo
Festival Folklores du Monde – Saint Malo
7th – 12th July. Dance and traditional music from around the world. St Malo
Renc’Arts sous les Remparts – Dinan
Mid July to mid August. Wednesdays during summer. Festival featuring theater, circus, music, humour and festive strolls. Great entertainment for the family.
Fête des Remparts – Dinan
18th – 21st July. Every 2nd year, the Ramparts Festival takes over the pretty little town of Dinan for a weekend. Step back in time and get carried away by the fun and friendly atmosphere. Jousting tournaments, a large medieval market, balls, music, theatre, a grand parade and many other events to enjoy.
Festi-Rance – St-Samson sur Rance
27th and 28th July, Music festival on the banks of the Rance. Featuring a variety of music styles – rock, Celtique rock, traditional Breton, Irish and French variety.
Un Soir au Moulin du Prat – La Rance
Early August. Sound and light show at the Moulin du Prat, the last fully functioning mill on the river Rance. Watch traditional wheat harvest methods, milling of the wheat, bread-making and cooking in the traditional bread oven, fireworks and a Fest Noz – Breton music and dance.
Fête du Blé et des Vieux Métiers – Pleudihen sur Rance
8th – 9th August, Very popular festival celebrating the wheat harvest and traditional farming methods and crafts. Concert on Saturday followed by the harvest festival on Sunday.
Fête des Doris – La Rance
End August. A very colourful rowing regatta celebrating the traditional fishing boats, the Doris, of the region. The boats make a stop at several of the ports along the Rance, including Mordreuc. Music, and Breton dancers welcome them
Dinard Film Festival
30th Sept – 4th October. Dinard British Film Festival. Hugely successful film festival featuring English speaking films in Dinard, the most British of French seaside resorts.
Quai des bulles – St Malo
23rd – 25th October, popular and well-known comic, (Bande-dessinée) festival in St Malo.
La Saint Simon – St Briac
End of October, annual market showcasing the talents of local artists, craftspeople, and delicious French food and wines.